Drug Rehab in Rock Hill, SC

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Find us here: Rock Hill SC 29730

Rock Hill, SC, Addiction Treatment Facility

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, Relapse Prevention substance abuse treatment facility in Rock Hill, South Carolina can help. We will guide you through all phases of rehab from supervised detox to aftercare programs. Our drug detox clinic and drug treatment facility in Rock Hill has helped countless clients to get sober and start a new, better way of life.

Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Detox

Detox from drugs and alcohol should not be attempted at home. Supervised treatment in a drug detox facility is essential to safely wean a client off substances to clear the body of the chemicals leftover from drugs and alcohol. At our Rock Hill addiction treatment facility, clients detox off drugs and alcohol under professional supervision and are monitored 24/7 to ensure a smooth transition into sobriety.

As drugs and alcohol are cleared from the body, there can be withdrawal symptoms that vary in severity depending on a client’s health, how long the client has abused substances, and on which substances have been involved in the addiction.

Common detox symptoms include headaches, chills, sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, depression, anger, nervousness, agitation, blurry vision, diarrhea, inability to concentrate, cramps, hallucinations, fatigue, trembling, loss of appetite and inability to sleep.

Assessment and Diagnosis

After detox has been completed, the treatment phase of rehabilitation will begin. During this time, clients’ needs are assessed and determinations are made about which types of treatment would best serve the interests of a client. An important part of assessment is determining whether a client has a dual diagnosis.

A dual diagnosis means that the client has a substance abuse disorder as well as a psychological or psychiatric disorder. Many people recovering from addiction have a dual diagnosis. Common disorders associated with substance abuse include depression, anxiety, and a variety of personality disorders.

If a client has a dual diagnosis, treatment will focus on the psychological or psychiatric disorders as well as the substance abuse disorder. Each client is provided with a unique and individualized treatment plan that is carefully designed to address the client's personal issues and needs.

A Safe Place to Recover

Our addiction recovery center is designed to foster an ongoing sense of safety and support. During the initial phases of treatment, clients may be limited to contact with the staff and other clients to encourage a complete focus on the recovery process in a stress-free environment. At our Rock Hill rehab clinic, we believe that a strong sense of community and connection with others is vital to recovery. Our clients help each other in the recovery process and learn to seek the support of both staff and fellow clients.

Treatment and Rehabilitation

During treatment and rehabilitation, clients are involved in intensive group therapy and individual counseling. Clients may participate in different types of therapies designed to address their unique problems. Our Rock Hill addiction recovery facility offers clients a comfortable, safe, and supportive environment where they can speak honestly about themselves and explore the root causes of their addictions.

Trauma and abuse are two of the primary underlying issues that can lead to addiction, but there are other issues as well. Exploring these root causes in the safely of our addiction treatment center in Rock Hill prepares clients to cope with life and maintain sobriety after completing rehab.

Clients also explore the triggers that could cause them to relapse. Part of recovery is to develop strategies to cope with these triggers in a healthy way after leaving Relapse Prevention drug rehab facility. Family counseling may be part of treatment if appropriate.


Drug rehab centers are not, in and of themselves, the end of the recovery process. Rather, they are just the beginning. Many clients move on to aftercare programs that include outpatient treatment, group therapy, and individual counseling after leaving our addiction recovery program in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Clients are encouraged to connect with support groups in Rock Hill as soon as possible after leaving our rehab facility. Most clients will need help coping with life and emotions in order to stay sober. The addiction recovery process takes time, strong support system that includes professional help, and the ongoing support of other people in recovery is the best way to foster and maintain a healthy and sober lifestyle after rehab.